Glux Nano- Glow in the Dark Putty

Glux Nano- Glow in the Dark Putty

Price: 6.99 CAD

Glux Nano- Glow in the Dark Putty

Glux is a powerful super putty that stretches like rubber, bounces like a ball, and tears like paper. It can even shatter like ceramic! Use Glux to work out your stress, and unlock your creative powers. This Glow edition of Glux is a striking stark white putty which, when exposed to light (the brighter, the better), will glow brilliantly in the dark! Glow Glux is a great nighttime toy for kids who will marvel at the putty's remarkable glow. Glux will never dry out.

Place your Glow GLUX under a bright light or sunlight for a minute and let the putty soak in the energy. Now when you bring it into a dark space your putty will be brilliant.

Each package is 2x2ā€¯containing 8 grams of putty.

Made in the USA.

Each colour sold separately; green, blue and purple.

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